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Руководство по переводу инженерных данных P-CAD в Altium Designer
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Multi-Board Design Basics Webinar - August 2018
The webinar touches on electrical and mechanical challenges of system and product level multi-board PCB design. A demonstration follows, showing how to mitigate the challenges of the PCB design process with the capabilities of Altium Designer. You need to manage the whole system connections, resolve conflicts, and update system-child projects. Coordinating separate board rotation, alignment, and enclosure fit is like a game of three-dimensional
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Creating a Ground Plane for Your PCB Design
It used to be that printed circuit boards seemed to have the same basic layer configuration, or at least that’s the way I tend to remember it. This meant that they were usually six layer multi-layer boards, with a ground plane and a VCC plane. The old CAD systems didn’t really have the ability to do much with power planes except to designate layers as a bottom layer or the like. The most you would see in them would be some “X’s” where there was
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Altium Designer® 18: Key Benefits of ActiveBOM
If you were unable to attend the July 19th live ActiveBOM
webinar, you can view the the presentation slides and video recording at your convenience. If you prefer, you can also review the summary below for the session highlights. I briefly discussed some of the challenges design engineers encounter as they search for, select and source parts for designs. Then, I introduced ActiveBOM and provided a demonstration, followed by a summary and Q&A
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Designing to Meet a Target BOM Price and PCB Cost Estimate
Creating an accurate PCB cost estimate for design, components, production, assembly, shipping, and even firmware can be challenging tasks for new designers. Even established organizations can have trouble getting it right as it's hard to anticipate every problem that can arise during a design. Manufacturers can help you handle the production and assembly portion of a project, but any time a new design needs to be put into production, components
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Getting Started with PDN Analyzer
To learn more about this topic please see the full solution - Getting Started with PDN Analyzer - at
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Manufacturing Checklists and Tools
When it comes to manufacturing, organization is critical. With so many different players involved in the design process (engineers, sourcing agents, manufacturers, etc.), maintaining documentation and utilizing checklists and other tools will keep everyone on the same page and avoid confusion. Additionally, checklists can help ensure that the PCB design is fully complete and ready to send for manufacturing, protecting you from any unexpected
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How to Generate Gerber Files in Altium Designer Step-by-Step
Once you've got your PCB layout finished and you're ready to start preparing for manufacturing, one of the critical steps is to generate Gerber files. These files are used by PCB manufacturers to prepare stencils for photoresist exposure and subsequent etching. When you're ready to create your Gerber files, you need the right set of CAM tools that can take data from your PCB layout. Altium Designer helps make the process for generating Gerber
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Preventing Ground Loops in Your PCB Design
I think we’ve all been there. You buy that awesome stereo system only to hear that familiar humming sound in the background. When you take it back to the store the clerk blames the manufacturer. What components are to be considered a problem? The decoupling capacitor or ground wire? How about the bypass capacitor or ground loop interference? The stereo manufacturer will blame the component manufacturer and the component manufacturer can’t blame
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Understanding Ground Planes in Your Two-Layer PCB
Back when I was a young and hungry grad student, my first PCB ground plane design was used to collect analog signals from several sensors. When looking at a voltage graph of my measurements, the noise level was horrible and completely masked the signal I was trying to measure. I soon realized that I had completely bungled my ground plane connections, and ground loops were ruining my signals. Placing your ground plane and routing to ground are two
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How to Create a PCB Schematic | Altium Designer
There’s an important step creating your PCB layout: How to create a PCB schematic? You might feel overwhelmed with all of the options, but don’t worry! Whether you’ve got decades of experience in your pocket or just starting your design or engineering career, your design begins with schematic capture. Below is a schematic capture and creation tutorial in Altium Designer, a top rated PCB editor program. If you want to skip to different steps in
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Better PCB Routing - Highlight Nets
Regardless how many PCBs I design, I always find myself having to regularly review network paths on schematics layer and trace routes on PCBs. The complexity reminds me of a maze where only one path is the right one for a particular network. It is imperative that all the connections are accurate as errors made here will come back to haunt you later in the form of redesigns. The best way to ensure network accuracy is by isolating it so that each
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BOM Planning for Different Levels of Production
There is one really great thing about social media and that is catching up with old friends. I connected with a high school friend who did a lot in his life including some great achievements in the world of Taekwondo. He talks about the different tournaments that he attends, the people that he associates with, and how he has progressed through the different levels of this discipline. There appears to be a lot more to Taekwondo than I would have
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Как проблема распределения питания электролитических конденсаторов почти вывела из строя здание
Недавно я наткнулся на интересную историю о котельной системе, которая не запустилась под пристальным наблюдением представителя TDK-Lambda, а решение было найдено только специалистом по обслуживанию здания. История начинается с отключения стареющего котла в разгар лютой британской зимы, что требовалось заменой семилетних радиаторов. После ремонта и замены котел был включён, но он не запустился. Услышав разговоры о дополнительных материальных и
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Регуляторы напряжения и планирование запаса мощности с помощью PDN Analyzer
В моём первом проекте обратноходового преобразователя мне был задан запас мощности для проектируемой функциональной части и я должен был учитывать её требования к электропитанию и используемую мной топологию. Я подумал об эффективности удаления тепла из корпуса и старался избежать использования тепловых радиаторов. Также я хотел добиться надёжности и должной глубины регулирования, чтобы регулятор продолжал работать даже когда CPU, память и другие
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High Currents and Higher Temperatures: PCB Design Tips for Heat Management
I remember the first (and hopefully the only) time one of my circuits caught on fire. It started with the resistors and quickly spread to a nearby decoupling capacitor. Thankfully, the destruction was minor and most of the components were salvageable. Why did this happen you ask? No, this was not due to a short circuit. Very simply, I did not take into account the high current PCB layout. As electronics continue to be miniaturized, the thermal
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Embedded RF Design: Ceramic Chip Antennas vs. PCB Trace Antennas
Over the years, there’s been a large rise in café culture which has left many of the newer cafés looking for ways of adding a creative interest to their store. Café and bookstore hybrids, gourmet coffee with baristas that have an expertise over regional coffee beans, and even cat cafés have all been twists I’ve seen pop-up. When it comes down to it, people are going to cafés for a few key reasons though: to get a drink or snack, to meet and talk
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